Cookies and form pre-fill

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Cookies and form pre-fill

Hello all,

I don't really understand how and when cookies are set and read and how that plays with landing page pre-fill. Here's my scenario:

We send an email to our database. That email links to a non-Marketo landing page. On that non-Marketo landing - a whitepaper detail page - is a button named "Download" which opens an iframed Marketo landingpage with the form.

So, what happens? The contact clicks the email, lands on the LP, clicks the LP and the form is not pre-filled. I understand that. If that contact has a cookie for the domain of the embedded Marketo LP (with the form), the form is pre-filled. Good.

But what about a contact who don't have a cookie? I understand that the click on the Marketo email should write the cookie. I quote the article:


Marketo knows who a lead is by reading the previously set cookie, this cookie can be set in the following ways.  If the lead:

Fills out a form
Clicks a link in a Marketo-sent Email

But clicking the link alone doesn't write a cookie, does it? It needs a landing page to work, more specifically it needs a Marketo LP to work. Is that correct?

So how about linking from that email to a Marketo LP (to write the cookie), which again redirects to the non-Marketo-page and to open the final Marketo form (to read the cookie) from there. Would that be working somehow? Actually I saw that work on some computers and not work on others.

Can someone enlighten me? That'd be great!


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Level 2

Re: Cookies and form pre-fill

Hi Michael,

Do you have the munchkin tracking script on the non-marketo landing page? If no, you can try adding the tracking script to your non-marketo landing page. That script should create the cookie.

Shashank Sharma
Level 10 - Champion Alumni

Re: Cookies and form pre-fill

The marketo form will only pre-fill if it is on a Marketo LP. It should work in an iframe because the form itself is on a Marketo LP.

Clicking the link in a marketo email should also pre-fill it, but if you don't have the Munchkin code on all your pages, I suppose it could break somehow.
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Re: Cookies and form pre-fill

Many thanks for your answers!

Yes, we have munchkin on our website, but that doesn't help. As far as I can see, the link to the non-Marketo-LP actually creates the cookie, but that doesn't help with pre-filling the form. But now that I think about it: The non-Marketo-LP and the iframed Marketo-Form-LP necessarily have different domains. And that will prevent the cookie from being read anyway, doesn't it?
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Re: Cookies and form pre-fill

You are correct. You can't read cookies across domains, which would prevent it from being read. 

Here's a post from Marketo developer blog on prefilling a non-Marketo page.