Conversions for Thank You Pages?

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Conversions for Thank You Pages?

I am seeing that a number of our thank you pages have conversions associated with them? These pages don't have forms, just text. There aren't a ton of conversions, but they exist. Can anyone provide insight on how these may be accumulating, or how we can stop them?
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Level 10 - Champion Alumni

Re: Conversions for Thank You Pages?

Odd. Do your main pages have Robots=follow,index? It should be no follow, index and your TY page should be noindex, nofollow.
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Re: Conversions for Thank You Pages?

When you say there are conversions- what do you mean exactly? Where are you seeing them?
Not applicable

Re: Conversions for Thank You Pages?

Josh, where would I find the noindex and nofollow details? Is that something managed out of admin?

Erik, they are being displayed next to "statistics" when the landing page is highlighted. (Ex: 25 views, 2 filled out form)