Content Sharing Best Practices

Level 4

Content Sharing Best Practices

I'd like to get an idea on how others set up their content sharing programs. Say you have a PDF download you want to share across your website, social channels, & email. Do you have one program with a landing page and use URL parameters to change the lead source? Or do you create a separate program for each channel you are sharing on?

Do you break programs up into to quarterly/yearly (2014:PDF Download, 2014:Q1:PDF Download) or do you just have one program that never changes?

Love to hear everyone thoughts on this.
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Re: Content Sharing Best Practices

Seems like this is a reporting question. If so think about reporting on lead source and the conversion related to the download as two different mertrics. If you are using Salesforce both of those mertics can become the campaign history of the lead/contact. if this is the first refferer then that can write the lead source field as well. As far as what to pass as paramaters in your URLs for the inbound traffic, we pass the Salesforce campaign ID to a Marketo field and then use that data to catch up the camapaign history on the lead/contact after conversion.
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Re: Content Sharing Best Practices

Hi Ben,

This will vary based on company, but at Marketo we create a program for each different channel because there are different program costs, program owners etc and when it comes to reporting we want to know which programs perform better than others. If a content performs well on social vs. a regular email program we would want to know. Different channels also have different successes, and we also report on which channels perform better than others so we know which channels to invest in over others.

Would love to know how other companies structure their content and programs as well.
Level 4

Re: Content Sharing Best Practices

What are you thoughts on the campaign naming structure? We sync all programs with Salesforce Campaigns and for example, we would have a parent campaign named "2014 Content" and child campaigns of "2014 Q1 PDF download 1", "2014 Q1 PDF Download 2". 

Would you suggest breaking down by quarter (like the example above), name by year: parent = "2014 Content",  child= '2014 PDF Download 1" or do not use any metric: parent= "Content" child ="PDF Download 1"

My concern with breaking it down by year/quarter is that we would have to clone these campaigns every quarter/year.
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Re: Content Sharing Best Practices

Hi Ben,

What we do for our team is have folders by month and then under those folders we separate the different channels. Our naming convention is: CHANNEL - AUDIENCE - REGION - PROGRAM NAME - DATE.

This does involve cloning, but our content is always constantly changing so we rarely send out a similar piece of content multiple months in a row.