Contact a lead from a promotional code

Level 3

Contact a lead from a promotional code

Hi everyone,


In a sponsorship action, my contacts are linked with a promotion code.
To create this code, I did it this way
today's date+customer number+postal code

Be careful that the customer number is not their Marketo Id.


In my process, my Sales Alert will contain my customer's code.

How can I contact from, a call to action in an email, the lead related to the code ? 

This call a action might do a request campaign (go to search the email linked with this code, then send this email)....

Thank you for your help. 



Level 10 - Community Moderator

Re: Contact a lead from a promotional code

If you're sending an email from Marketo, you don't need the promo code to look up the person. The tracked link already tells you who they are.