I owe you so many beers for your help on this! The only thing was I was getting an error if the domain for the lead didn't appear in the JSON which I wasn't getting when just doing a standard foreach, so I referenced another one of you answers and wrapped it in an if statement to output some default content if the list is empty, is this the best way to handle this?
#if( $domainProjects.isEmpty() )
Default content
#foreach( $idx in [0..$math.min(7,$math.sub($domainProjects.size(),1))] )
#set( $project = $domainProjects[$foreach.index] )
You're a ${project.category.participantType} for Project ${foreach.count}:
#if( $foreach.index.equals(0) )
#set( $project_category_URL_0 = $domainProjects[0].category.URL.substring(8) )<a href="https://${project_category_URL_0}">##
#elseif( $foreach.index.equals(1) )
#set( $project_category_URL_1 = $domainProjects[1].category.URL.substring(8) )<a href="https://${project_category_URL_1}">##
#elseif( $foreach.index.equals(2) )
#set( $project_category_URL_2 = $domainProjects[2].category.URL.substring(8) )<a href="https://${project_category_URL_2}">##
#elseif( $foreach.index.equals(3) )
#set( $project_category_URL_3 = $domainProjects[3].category.URL.substring(8) )<a href="https://${project_category_URL_3}">##
#elseif( $foreach.index.equals(4) )
#set( $project_category_URL_4 = $domainProjects[4].category.URL.substring(8) )<a href="https://${project_category_URL_4}">##
#elseif( $foreach.index.equals(5) )
#set( $project_category_URL_5 = $domainProjects[5].category.URL.substring(8) )<a href="https://${project_category_URL_5}">##
#elseif( $foreach.index.equals(6) )
#set( $project_category_URL_6 = $domainProjects[6].category.URL.substring(8) )<a href="https://${project_category_URL_6}">##
#elseif( $foreach.index.equals(7) )
#set( $project_category_URL_7 = $domainProjects[7].category.URL.substring(8) )<a href="https://${project_category_URL_7}">##
Thanks again for all of your help.
Thank you, Sanford! What threw me for a bit in your script was the $project variable in the forEach statement:
#foreach( $project in $allProjects )
As I don't have any elements called $project in the JSON. So I can try and understand VTL a little bit more $project is declaring a variable for each record in the array?!