Re: Communication Limits Ignored as Default???

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Communication Limits Ignored as Default???

So after receiving a complaint that a lead received 3 emails in a 10 minute timeframe, I realized the communication limits defined in the Admin section only work if you manually select to honor them on every single campaign running. Otherwise, default is:

If lead has reached the communication limits
Ignore limit

Is there a way to change this default so that is NEVER ignores limits unless it is an Operational email?? This seems nuts to be that it would be the other way around.

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Re: Communication Limits Ignored as Default???

Every program/campaign, with the exception of Engagement programs, has to be opted into Comm Limits.  This was a conscience decision b/c otherwise, every single campaign in your subscription would be opted in automatically.  We plan on adding a setting that allows you to say "new campaigns should be auto-opted in"

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Re: Communication Limits Ignored as Default???

I would think that more campaigns should be opted in than not - similar to the operational emails. When would marketers prefer to over-send to their audience vs. under-send??  

I now have to go back and train my entire company on using this and update 50+ campaigns. 
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Re: Communication Limits Ignored as Default???

Vote to un-do this here!! Looks like Im not the only one who thinks setting the default to ignore communication limits is stupid
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Re: Communication Limits Ignored as Default???

What happens if they are in the flow to get a nurture email but they already reached the limit? Will the email send once the limit time has passed and they are eligible to receive a new email from us? or does it skip the email and send them the next one that is not in the right order?
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Re: Communication Limits Ignored as Default???

Hi Christina,

We have a large population of users and not everyone wants to take advantage of the limits, nor do they want all campaigns to be automatically opted in.  We had a choice to make, and we decided to not opt-in all campaigns.  We will make some improvements here to lessen the pain around new campaigns.  

Level 9 - Champion Alumni

Re: Communication Limits Ignored as Default???

What's really funny is that our company is the exact opposite. We want to pick and chose which campaigns use the limits and which do not. For instance, our promotional campaigns may ignore the limits while our thought leadership ones will use them. My biggest issue is that on engagement streams, there is no way to chose whether you do or do not ignore the communication limits. I would like to have the ability to pick and chose on that one as well, for instance we have some that are important nurture series, such as for new purchases, that we would rather ignore the communication limits and receive the emails.
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Re: Communication Limits Ignored as Default???

Amber - I agree which is why it would be awesome to choose a default of all or none so you could go either way with this.

Cheryl - What happens if they are in the flow to get a nurture email but they already reached the limit? Will the email send once the limit time has passed and they are eligible to receive a new email from us? or does it skip the email and send them the next one that is not in the right order?
Level 10 - Champion Alumni

Re: Communication Limits Ignored as Default???

@cheryl, can you reply to Christina's last comment here? You've stated in other threads that the user will receive the skipped email (as a result of communication limits) during the next cast. But I'm reading that this is not happening. Members are skipping the email completely and moving onto the next one during the next cast (which is a major issue). Please let us know if this is a bug with Engagement Programs and if there will be a fix for this.
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Re: Communication Limits Ignored as Default???

If the lead is in a flow and they are supposed to receive an email on the next cast, but they have reached their limit, the system will not send them an email.  On the next cast after that, the system will try again to send the email, and if their limit has not been reached it will send it.  

@Dan - yes what I am stating is the designed behavior.  It wouldn't make sense for us to skip the email and never send it if they reached their limits.  The system is designed to ALWAYS check, before every cast, to see what has been sent or not.  

If you are not seeing this, please call support and log a ticket.  I don't see this issue in my testing, but that doesn't rule out a bug.