Communication limits, deliverability

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Communication limits, deliverability

Hi there,

Is there any way to tell how many people are really going to deployed to before the campaign deploys? I'm not looking for the exact number it's going to actually deliver to -- but a number that takes into account communication limits and how many will actually run through the flow.

So, for example, today we scheduled an email to send to about 20,000 leads. Our communication limits are set to 1 per day, 3 per 7 days. Before it sent, it said it was set to affect around 20,000 leads (though I know this number changes over time). But it really only sent to maybe 500, and I'm assuming it's because of our communication limit (and we have sent an unusally high number of emails this week).

Is there any way we could've known before it sent that it would be sending to such a small amount? Or is this something we can only know after the campaign runs?

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Re: Communication limits, deliverability

If you sent your email through a standard smart campaign, communication limits are not applied by default (they're applied to the Engagement Program only by default).

Did you manually apply the communication limit to the smart campaign, as per this article:

If not, the other possibility is that you are simply checking your email reporting too soon after your email was set to go out.  Many time I have experienced a pretty lengthy delay before the full amount of email recipients and analytics actually populated (up to a few hours).
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Re: Communication limits, deliverability

Yeah, we manually applied the communication limit to the smart campaign. We ended up re-sending the email to people who didn't receive the 1st one and bypassed the communication limit, which allowed the email to send to the full 20,000.

So it was definitely the communication limit, not the reporting.
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Re: Communication limits, deliverability

I think you should add this as an's a good one, and I'd like to know the same thing!
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Re: Communication limits, deliverability

Hi guys,

I'm still wondering about this! Is there any way to see how many leads an email is actually going to send to with communciation limits in place? Doesn't appear to be, but it'd still be great to get an answer 🙂
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Re: Communication limits, deliverability

Do we have an answer to this question yet? It would be beneficial to see an estimate of what the actual send count is.

I've also been flummoxed by Communication Limits blocking up to 99% of our sends for a given launch. One idea I'm trying to research right now is whether there's a way to set up automated resend attempts for a set period of time to attempt to get our messages sent a larger total number of times.
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Re: Communication limits, deliverability

Does anyone know if  an idea was created for this? We still can't tell up front how many leads will be blocked because of the communication limit being hit.
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Re: Communication limits, deliverability

Karishma, I know of no updates from Marketo. Still firing blind with regard to communication limits.
Level 7

Re: Communication limits, deliverability

Ah, I came to ask this same question in the Community and found this thread. It seems like many of us are wanting to see how many records get blocked from each send due to email communication limits. This would be really valuable to know.