Re: Communication Limit within Customer Engagement Programs

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Communication Limit within Customer Engagement Programs


Does any one know what happens to those who were due to be included in the next 'cast' of an asset within a stream of a Customer Engagement Program but had reached our communication limit at that time?  For exmple, do they stay at the same point within the stream until the next cast period to try again or do they miss that asset entirely and flow to the next?

Kind regards,

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Re: Communication Limit within Customer Engagement Programs

I too am curious about this (also relating to other campaigns)... do these leads just get skipped over all together until the next campaign they're included in is activated? Or do they get the email a few days late (and kind of have a queue of emails slowly build up)?
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Re: Communication Limit within Customer Engagement Programs

If a lead misses a cast due to the communication limit, the system will try to send the next highest priority piece of content on the following cast day. So rest assured, they will not miss a piece of content!
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Re: Communication Limit within Customer Engagement Programs

Hi Cheryl,

Can you clarify that in this instance they would not be sent anything on that particular cast but that piece remains the highest priority piece at the time of the next cast then Marketo will attempt to send that piece one more time.

Also, can we 'trick' the system to believe someone has already viewed a piece of content in the past?  We have various leads who's we'd like to add to a program within an engagement program but set them to be excluded from that piece within the stream.

Many thanks,

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Re: Communication Limit within Customer Engagement Programs

Every time the system is ready to send out a cast, it evaluates if the lead has received the next highest priority piece of content.  So if the lead misses a piece of content b/c they reached the communication limit, then the system will check to see which piece of content is the highest priority, and whether they received it or not.  

YOu can trick the system by using programs.  If you reference an external program in a stream, we will look to see if the lead is a member of the program.  If htey are a member of the program, the system will skip it and move to the next highest priority piece of content.
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Re: Communication Limit within Customer Engagement Programs

This really helped explain the process.  Thank you.