Re: Clipped unsubscribe link in long emails in Gmail?

Level 2

Clipped unsubscribe link in long emails in Gmail?

Has anyone had experience with long emails getting clipped just before the unsubscribe link in Gmail? We don't have this issue in Outlook or other email clients. Please see the screenshot of the clipped image and the unclipped image. Thanks!

Level 7

Re: Clipped unsubscribe link in long emails in Gmail?

It seems like your message is just over Gmail's limit of:  ~100-102KB so it is truncating the code  

You could:

- Move the unsubscribe link so that something else is then getting cut-off (kinda hacky)

- Reduce code size 

Level 10 - Community Moderator

Re: Clipped unsubscribe link in long emails in Gmail?

Can you remove the attachments and paste the images inline (in the editor)? Not everyone can view attachments, so they become v. confusing.

Level 1

Re: Clipped unsubscribe link in long emails in Gmail?

Happens to us all the time. We have an issue with Marketo's text editor adding in HTML line breaks and spacing so the HTML looks pretty for our development team. The issue: this bloats the size of the email by 50%.


Would love a feature that removes white space and line breaks at send time.