Changing Custom Marketo-only Field Type From String to Date

Not applicable

Changing Custom Marketo-only Field Type From String to Date

Hi all,

When my company set up Marketo originally they decided to create a string Field that clearly should have been a date Field.  We'd like to convert the Field in question to a date field but are worried about the ramifications of doing that. Will the existing be deleted if we do that? Are there any other things we should be considering?

Thanks, Dan

Level 10

Re: Changing Custom Marketo-only Field Type From String to Date

Hi Dan,

Changing the field type from string to date will destroy the data in that field.  You could export a list first though, and then just re-import to the field once you've changed it, but you may need to change the format of the value, depending on what the date field will accept and how the string is formatted now.

In order to change the field type you'd need to remove it from all assets currently referencing it as well, so if you have a lot it might be easier to create a new field and start using that one instead.


Not applicable

Re: Changing Custom Marketo-only Field Type From String to Date

Thanks John. I think we're going to have to ponder this some more before doing anything.

Marketo Employee

Re: Changing Custom Marketo-only Field Type From String to Date

The conversion will clear out all your data in that field.  You'll want to export everything in that column to back it up and then reimport it once you're down with conversion.  This might b more complicated than it seems at first blush though, becuase of potential formatting and timezone issues.  I would strongly consider just making a new field, migrating your data to it and then hiding the old one.

Not applicable

Re: Changing Custom Marketo-only Field Type From String to Date

Thanks Kenny. The new field sounds like the way to go.

Level 9

Re: Changing Custom Marketo-only Field Type From String to Date

Full steps would be:

1) Create the new field with the correct field type

2) Export lead and old field's data for all leads

3) Migrate all the data from the old field to the new field in excel, checking for formatting and accuracy

4) Upload the updated csv file as a list in Marketo, allowing all the data to be updated

5) Delete the old field Hide the old field

EDIT: As pointed out by John Clark​, it's not possible to truly delete fields.

Level 10

Re: Changing Custom Marketo-only Field Type From String to Date

Hi Andy,

It's actually not possible to delete a field in Marketo.  You'd need to hide it instead.


Level 10 - Champion Alumni

Re: Changing Custom Marketo-only Field Type From String to Date

I thought you could,assuming it was not used in any asset and the field was NULL.

Level 10

Re: Changing Custom Marketo-only Field Type From String to Date

I Josh,

No, it's not possible. The support can "super hide" it, from what I gather. Few ideas on this :


Level 9

Re: Changing Custom Marketo-only Field Type From String to Date

You're absolutely right. Wrong word choice on my part.