Re: Changes to Marketo Salesforce Sync – Questions and Discussion

Level 3

Re: Changes to Marketo Salesforce Sync – Questions and Discussion

Mike Reynolds​ I have just had a worrying conversation with our SFDC account manager.  We are a Professional Edition customer and we had a note just before Christmas from our Marketo account manager telling us that we would need to purchase API access in order to continue to sync to SFDC after the end of January.  However, when speaking to the SFDC account manager, he tells me that API access for Professional Edition is "API Lite" and only allows one-way access, i.e. into SFDC, so would not allow us to sync.  They are more or less forcing us to upgrade to Enterprise, which is a cost we are very reluctant to incur.

Can you confirm that API access will not give us sufficient functionality to allow Marketo and SFDC to continue to sync?  This is urgent for us.

Thanks -


P.S. Grégoire Michel​ SFDC tells me they are doing this because Marketo is a competitive product to Pardot.

Level 10

Re: Changes to Marketo Salesforce Sync – Questions and Discussion

Hi Erica,

This is very worrying indeed, thx for posting it.

But I really think that you should post this as a separate question in order to give it maximum exposure in the community.

I'll try to investigate on my end as we have many PE customers.


Level 10

Re: Changes to Marketo Salesforce Sync – Questions and Discussion

Hi Erica,


I can't speak to what SFDC's API packaging is like, but I can definitely tell you what's happening from the Marketo side. Unlimited and Enterprise Editions of SFDC do not have to purchase additional API calls--I think it's included in that bundle but I don't know their sales packages. But they're handling Professional Edition differently. Professional Edition's API calls need to be paid for, even for the core integration with Marketo.


SFDC will only need one-way API calls in to them. The Marketo > SFDC integration uses API calls that are generated on the Marketo side, so no API calls need to be made from SFDC back to Marketo.


Each customer's API needs will be different; some require very few, some require quite a lot. Many customers average around 10k API calls per day, but this is just an average and your needs may be much different based on your usage. From the Marketo side, the integration just uses API calls for the integration same as always.

SFDC will have more details, but your SFDC admin can find info on API usage by going to Reports tab > Admin Reports folder > API Usage Last 7 days. Also, you can see the number of API calls used over just the last 24 hours under the Company Info page.

Hope that helps!


Level 3

Re: Changes to Marketo Salesforce Sync – Questions and Discussion

Hi Mike Reynolds,

SFDC are telling me that it is not possible to purchase 2-way API access for the Professional Edition.  They did not call it API Lite but the rep stressed that only 1-way access is provided to PE customers. This is really major - it will affect ALL Marketo customers using the Professional Edition. SFDC are more or less forcing us to upgrade to Enterprise, which will cost a bomb for a small R&D company. I'm just astonished that you aren't hearing this from other Professional Edition Marketo customers - surely Marketo should be offering us a strategy? I realise that Salesforce pulled the rug out on this one, but if all Marketo-SFDC (PE) instance stop syncing at the end of January, you will have a lot of people making a lot of noise.

Not happy .

- Erica

PS - We currently don't have API access. Nor do most PE customers. SFDC used to expose the API for PE at no additional cost to Marketo, now they are pulling this exposure (so they tell me). But they are insisting that we can't add 2-way API access to our subscription.

Level 10

Re: Changes to Marketo Salesforce Sync – Questions and Discussion

Hi Erica,

List price for EE is 2 times list price for PE.

Yet, Salesforce cannot just cut this as they want. People have contracts, some of them multi-year contracts, and the products delivered cannot be changed at least until the contract is ended . So if someone can be hit by this in January, it's only those whose contract will be renewed now, or new customers.

I am investigating on my side of the ocean and I'll keep you posted, but here in France, no one has ever got the API on PE for free. It's being charged an additional 30% on top of the PE licence.

Also, and that's my personal experience, when SFDC stops something, it only impacts new customers, not existing one. I, for instance benefit from the old FREE self service portal that has been discontinued 3 years ago, but since we have been renewing our contract for 7 years now, we still get it.

So all this seems quite weird, even may be is it a personal initiative of a not so ethical sales person.


Level 10

Re: Changes to Marketo Salesforce Sync – Questions and Discussion

And you really ought to open a new discussion on this if you want to alert more people


Level 3

Re: Changes to Marketo Salesforce Sync – Questions and Discussion

Hi Grégoire Michel ,

I have started a new discussion in the community! And because my customer is on the old price list, the difference comes to 3 x their current subscription (at list price).

I am not suggesting that we had the API for free, only that we were able to integrate with Marketo without an API subscription... I thought. i.e. SFDC allows some AppExchange packages and some partners to interface to PE without those customers needing to buy API access.

However, on the System Overview page, it shows API calls, but I assume that is because it is currently enabled for Marketo.

If I look at the Company Information page in SFDC, it does not show any API licensing information.

I'll go back and check with the contract people internally.  Thanks for that pointer - I have not considered it in terms of contracts.

- Erica

Level 10

Re: Changes to Marketo Salesforce Sync – Questions and Discussion

Level 10

Re: Changes to Marketo Salesforce Sync – Questions and Discussion

Erica Harris

Yes, this does apply to all Professional Edition customers. Marketo has been reaching out to each one to work with the customers on the changes just as you mentioned that you had been.

I'm researching right now with our Engineering team about the one way vs two way API calls. I may have been mistaken, so I need to make sure of the details there. Do you have the link to the other discussion you posted about this? I'd like to make sure that we get the question answered in all the spots where it was asked so that everyone else that has a similar question and sees it will also see that answer.


Level 10

Re: Changes to Marketo Salesforce Sync – Questions and Discussion