Change owner to Queue and use if

Level 3

Change owner to Queue and use if

I need to change owner to a specific queue only if it's in a specific queue.

I tried the change owner in my flow but can't seem to have such an option...

Anyone knows how to do this? seems like pretty trivial but I can't seem to find it.

Thanks guys

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Level 10

Re: Change owner to Queue and use if

You might need to do this in Salesforce.  If the owner is a queue the details are not synced across to Marketo as far as I know (Sales owner First Name, Last Name and Email).  Those fields just stay blank which means you wont be able to look them up.

Level 3

Re: Change owner to Queue and use if

Thanks Gerard! I ended up doing this through Salesforce...

Level 10

Re: Change owner to Queue and use if

Do you want to provide some more details about exactly what you are trying to do? There may be a different way to do it.