Re: Central Scoring - workspace triggers

Level 4

Central Scoring - workspace triggers

Hello All,

I'm implementing a global scoring system but our instance is set up with a number of workspaces.

The central system in our corporate workspace cannot see the forms that are in the individual Business unit workspaces.

If we run with a central scoring system, I would therefore assume all forms that trigger a score should be in the scoring workspace, which then also suggests any event campaigns or imports should also be in that workspace.

Or the alternative is to score in all of the workspaces but that seems inefficient also.

Just wondering how others are getting around the workspace issues.



Level 10 - Champion Alumni

Re: Central Scoring - workspace triggers

We have strict naming conventions for our forms.  With that, we can trigger off of the name of the form submitted.  We do the same with Program Statuses in programs the reside in any of our 23 workspaces.

Here are examples from four of our scoring campaigns:





Level 4

Re: Central Scoring - workspace triggers

Hi Dan,

Are your forms residing in a different workspace to your scoring campaign?

Im not sure I can see the form from one workspace to another...

Is that correct?

Level 10 - Champion Alumni

Re: Central Scoring - workspace triggers

Yes, as mentioned above, our programs (where some of our forms are contained) exists across 23 workspaces.  We also use centrally-based forms in each of the workspaces (in Design Studio).  Ideally, we would have just a single repository of central forms in the global workspace, but unfortunately, you cannot share forms across workspaces.

While the triggers/filters don't allow you to select a SPECIFIC form residing in a different workspace (if the workspace doesn't have access to it, a red squiggly line will appear under the form name) - since Marketo can't see those forms in the smart list, the workaround is to use "contains" and Marketo will see any form in any workspace containing that value.

Level 4

Re: Central Scoring - workspace triggers

Wow so using contains is the official work around.

Level 10 - Champion Alumni

Re: Central Scoring - workspace triggers

Does your Default WS see all the LPs?

Level 4

Re: Central Scoring - workspace triggers

Is seems I can only see the other workspaces using a "contains" rather than "is" which seems odd to me.

Level 10 - Champion Alumni

Re: Central Scoring - workspace triggers

One would expect that to be the case - especially since the global workspace has access to all leads. But unfortunately that's not the case. Vote here:

Level 5

Re: Central Scoring - workspace triggers

Hi Mark,

The best way that I have found to handle scoring when using workspaces is to follow the same structure that lead to you using workspaces in the first place. There will be scoring at the corporate level but depending on how specific you are getting there may also be scoring at the individual workspace level that is specific the that workspaces business or products.

The corporate level score should be based on common actions that fit to any customer of any workspace. For example, “Clicks link in Email Today” or “Registered for an event” it doesn’t matter what email or what event, everyone get scored the same for the same actions at the corporate level. Now to do this try base the smart campaigns on status levels within those programs. I don’t need to know what the form is if the status is changed to “Registered” for an event, I just need to know the status changed.

Screen Shot 2017-03-16 at 9.53.21 AM.png

At the workspace level, you can include scoring rules that are much more specific for that workspace, such as “Attends Launch Webinar” of a new product/service. Here you can reference the very specific single program using either the form and program name.

Level 2

Re: Central Scoring - workspace triggers

We similarly have a global scoring model as well as "local" workspace scoring models for activities that occur only at the local area level. I'm wondering, if a lead comes into a global program and move to the local workspace once Country is identified for a lead, then how do they only start scoring for that workspace and no longer at the global level? I'm trying to ensure the lead isn't double scored.