Erik has some good questions. We are moving towards UTM hidden form fields for all programs with global forms.
With this structure you would have one form for webinar registrations. Multiple landing pages. It could look like the below.
3 hidden fields standard for all events even outside webinars. For example ad campaigns are great for this model.
Those are three example standard fields you could use to report say:
Source = Sales Team
Medium = Email
Campaign = Webinar Event Name
I would block form field updates so u can report in Marketo properly denoting your new lead came from x. Make sure your fields pull in just that one specific parameter from your URL.
This allows you to properly collect and source all leads for each webinar with a scalable process that expands further than Webinars.
Hope this helps. Its Josh's suggestion just baked out a bit more.
It's also Google Analytics friendly and allows us to source various campaigns or events to a relatively close bookings number.