Capture multiple email address from a form using single field.

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Capture multiple email address from a form using single field.


We would like collect multiple email address from a single filed from a form. Please advice the best way to proceed.

1. Can we use a custom text field to capture multiple emails.
               If done, a) how can i send emails to them?
                             b) later how can i make them as a separete lead?

If i create a custom filed with the data type as "email", i cannot collect more than one email.

Please help.

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Re: Capture multiple email address from a form using single field.

We have been trying to tackle this problem and would love to hear anyone's ideas.  We get a lot of personal email addresses and then at some point end up getting their true business emails.  I would like to maintain both as well (especially from an opt in perspective) and have the ability to send communications to both email addresses without having to maintain duplicate lead records or rather choosing which email address I think is better to keep.  In the ecomm industry it seems that people move around quickly and it is extremely useful for us to have their personal email address as they jump to different companies to keep in touch with them.
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Re: Capture multiple email address from a form using single field.

This can be accomplished through custom coding, mainly JavaScript and XML.

The idea is:

1. the field is "string" because email will check validation rules outlined by 2822

2. the multiple addresses in the single fields are separated by comma or semicolon;

3. A JavaScript will read the entire string, set a while loop to identify each email until a comma/semicolon is reached or the end of that string is reached;

4. The SOAP call syncMultipleLeads would send them to Marketo;

5. SOAP importToList, listOperation or requestCampaign would add the leads to the appropriate containers;

I do not see a tangible benefit going that route.

The email field allows to validate against very standard rules.
Having a single field will loose that functionality.
Furthermore you have no simple way to find the correct email if the original entry is invalid.
That can cause high rates of hard bounces.

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Re: Capture multiple email address from a form using single field.

There is a great Idea related to Marketo intelligently managing two email addresses at - please vote for it.