Cannot disable form prefill for "Multi-Select" Form Fields

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Cannot disable form prefill for "Multi-Select" Form Fields

Even with "Form Prefill" disabled, the "multi-select" input fields fields in my form are being preset with the first option/value for each as "selected" (by default).  

So, if a user submits a form with no required fields, taking no action for any field, he/she will be erroneously submitting the form as having selected the first value in each "multi-select" field!

Also, "Form Prefill" did not appear to work when it was enabled -- the correct values in the multi-select fields were not being prefilled. Instead, it was again the first option in each which was erroneously selected.

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Re: Cannot disable form prefill for "Multi-Select" Form Fields

Multiselect fields are a usability nightmare and I would advise against them whenever possible. Look into a JavaScript solution to make them a little better: Eric Hollinshead used to have a code that transformed Marketo multselect fields into checkboxes but it's not offline.

You can also use JS to prevent a value from being selected; if you want to post an example landing page I could take a pass at it.
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Re: Cannot disable form prefill for "Multi-Select" Form Fields

Jason, I totally agree with your opinion of multiselect fields.  Thank you for the JS tip, I agree converting them into checkboxes with jQuery is a smart idea.

The root problem, however, is that it appears the fields are not being prefilled properly by the Marketo script which prefills the form with Marketo data.  

Has anyone else experienced this?  Marketo staff, are you aware of any issues with the prefilling of multiselect fields?