Re: Can you use ramdom sample in the flow of a trigger?

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Can you use ramdom sample in the flow of a trigger?

I want to be able to put 50% of people who run through the flow into one static list and the other 50% into another but does this logic work with a trigger campaign?

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Re: Can you use ramdom sample in the flow of a trigger?

Yes you can. Just create your flowstep as "add to list" with the first criteria to be "If random sample is 50, add to List A", with the default option to add to List B. Every lead that runs through this trigger will randomly be assigned to list A or B. 

I use this sort of workflow all the time when testing new data processes, like lead scoring or routing rules. 

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Re: Can you use ramdom sample in the flow of a trigger?

Yes you can. Just create your flowstep as "add to list" with the first criteria to be "If random sample is 50, add to List A", with the default option to add to List B. Every lead that runs through this trigger will randomly be assigned to list A or B. 

I use this sort of workflow all the time when testing new data processes, like lead scoring or routing rules. 
Level 4

Re: Can you use ramdom sample in the flow of a trigger?

Hi Jeff Shearer​ -

Do you know for sure if this work for Change Lead Owner or Assign To as well? 

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Re: Can you use ramdom sample in the flow of a trigger?

I've never tried, but I can't imagine why it wouldn't. Are you trying to round robin leads?     

Level 4

Re: Can you use ramdom sample in the flow of a trigger?

Yup.  We did it, tested it, it works. 


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Re: Can you use ramdom sample in the flow of a trigger?


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Re: Can you use ramdom sample in the flow of a trigger?

So glad I found this answer. I am testing my new architecture lead processing automation and found a few bottleneck from my Router campaigns. I had come up with the Round Robin idea from my NOC days but was using a stop gap method with the lead demographic score to sort. This is just what I need.

Thank You!

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Re: Can you use ramdom sample in the flow of a trigger?

Bottle necks be gone! Found a great load balancing formula for processing large groups of leads at once through a Demographic Qualification process. Created one "Distro" campaign and 3 routers. First Request Campaign goes Random Sample 24 to 1, 23 to 2, and 23 to 3. Wait 1 minute 33 to 1, 34 to 2, and rest to 3. Works like a champ with nice even distribution. Still optimizing but this was a big help and now a big part of my lead processing architecture.

Level 4

Re: Can you use ramdom sample in the flow of a trigger?

I've actually recently set something up like this for our alert routing to SDRs. Works perfectly.