Re: Can you report or track email alerts?

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Can you report or track email alerts?

We have set up a matrix of email alerts based the field value collected on a Marketo form e.g. if postcode is 3000 then send email alert to and if postcode is 8000 send email alert to I'm interested to know if you can report on this down to the detail of the particular email address the alerts were sent to for a given campaign.

Another feature that would be great is if you could track opens on alerts e.g. to see if salespeople were opening the alerts and when.
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Re: Can you report or track email alerts?

I wonder if you could create an extra flow step 'Change data value'

Ie, if 'Postcode is 3000', Attribute 'Was sent this email' is XXX.

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Re: Can you report or track email alerts?

There isn't reporting like this in Marketo, you may want to create an idea for it.