Can't upload CSV in a list

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Can't upload CSV in a list

I have a problem with uploading a .csv file in Marketo list.

It always shows error .CSV file has an unclosed quotation.

I have searched all over the file, there a no ' or " signs.

Does anybody know what to do?

Level 5

Re: Can't upload CSV in a list

You can try re-saving as Unicode Text (.txt) and then select Tab Delimited when uploading in Marketo. I find this works better than saving as .csv which sometimes causes formatting issues for me.


Level 5

Re: Can't upload CSV in a list

I tried the changing my file to UT8, I tried changing the select file type, trimmed my cells, searched for commas, ".....
what I didn't realize was that there was a wrapped cell in my header until I tried this:

How to find delimiter of a csv file?
Leading zeros

  1. In Excel, click Data > Get External Data > Import Text File
  2. Browse to select your CSV file and click 'Get Data'
  3. Choose “Delimited” as the file type and click 'Next'
  4. Check the “Comma” box as the delimiter and click 'Next'
  5. Select all columns in the data preview and change their column data format to “Text”
Level 5

Re: Can't upload CSV in a list

Ha, Ha, ha, ha, ha, ! I just followed my own advice and didn't realize it was mine!