Can't figure out why leads are syncing into SDFC post list import

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Can't figure out why leads are syncing into SDFC post list import

Still new to the Salesforce/Marketo Integration.  I did a test import of 10 leads into Marketo, using the Optimize New Leads Option.  They were all automatically synced into Salesforce, yet I don't have any campaigns setup to sync new leads to CRM?  The leads were automatically given a lead owner of myself (Marketing User in Salesforce) and synced to a Salesforce Campaign.  On the Salesforce Sync options to enable Salesforce Sync option is checked.  Not sure if this is having an impact.

Anyone know why this would happen? 
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Re: Can't figure out why leads are syncing into SDFC post list import

Hi Jeremy,
There are a few "Implied Salesforce Actions" that will sync a lead to Salesforce without explictly using the "Sync lead to SFDC" flow action. One of these implied actions is Change Owner.

Do you have a campaign that changes owner upon creation of leads?

More about Implied Actions:

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Re: Can't figure out why leads are syncing into SDFC post list import

Also check that the imported leads are not becoming members of a Marketo program that is tied to an SFDC campaign at the program level