Re: Can i create a campaing to not have opens in sent folder counted as opens

Level 5

Can i create a campaing to not have opens in sent folder counted as opens

hi there
my sales people often go to their sent folders and open emails they have previoulsy sent to prospects  to cut and paste copy into another email - unfortunately this triggers that the email was opened.

any way to create a campaign to stop this from happening? at this point the opened stat neans nothing as it happens so often.

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Re: Can i create a campaing to not have opens in sent folder counted as opens

In your email performance report, you can go to the smart list tab and add in a filter where email address does not contain your company's domain. That should exclude your internal receipients from the report. That's what we do to make sure that our internal teams aren't skewing our open and click rates.
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Re: Can i create a campaing to not have opens in sent folder counted as opens

Trish I think a good way to address this issue is to create "Sales email Templates" for your sales team in Marketo and publish them to Salesforce. Note that they can also use the templates in Outlook with the Marketo plug-in...