We have sales insights integrated with Microsoft Dynamics. When our sales team is following up with our contacts, they get into situations where someone "didn't get an email" or "can't find it". Is there a way to resend an email that is showing up on a contact's record? I know there is an option to send a sample, but can the email be actually resent?
Hi Stephanie,
Sales Insight provides 2 ways to send an email :
Thanks for the info. We currently publish emails to sales insight but it takes out any of the html formatting, so our marketing emails that include images don't come through on the dynamics side. I didn't know if there was something else that we needed to do other than having to create another campaign for sales to drop people into. I wish there was just a resend button on emails they have received without having to set up another campaign. Thanks again!
Hi Stephanie,
The campaign is really easy to set up, though.
Yes, you can send an email directly from MSI. The email must be made available to MSI by the editor in Marketo. Once that is done the salesreps have access to it and can send it along as many times as they want.