Hello i made a mistake
on a smart list, then i don't know how to come back.
is anyone can help me ?
i remove the orange square and put an other, because i confused the campain...
Many thanks
Hi Julien,
If you move this discussion to "products" you will get more visibility on this.
Also, it would be a good idea to paste screenshots and go further in-depth of the mistake you would like to fix so others can help troubleshoot.
Hi Julien,
Unfortunately, there is really no way to "undo" something is a smart campaign. Vote here:
But you can still know what change you have been doing in admin -> Audit trail. There, you will be able to filter by asset type and name, and find your smart campaign. Once you have found the changes in the log, you will be able to look at the details and see what were the previous settings.