Re: Campaign Queue Backlog

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Level 10 - Champion Alumni

Re: Campaign Queue Backlog

Lots of great insight here.  One of things that needs to be mentioned is when Marketo changed the way it processes - or makes available - anonymous lead activity, it required us to modify many of our smart campaigns with additional triggers/filters that weren't required prior to this.

Since lead records are no longer created for anonymous leads - and created only when the lead becomes known - we had no choice but to add several "Lead is Created" triggers to our campaigns (quite a few) - mainly those campaigns that are used to "Change Program Status" (this approach isn't needed for Change Score, Interesting Moment, Change Data Value, Add to List and Remove from List - see this post for more info on what's processed once an anonymous leads becomes known: Anonymous Lead Promotion to Known Lead – Munchkin V2 Behavior).  Even though we include specific filters alongside these triggers within the smart list of a smart campaign, evaluation of these leads must still occur each and every time a lead is created in Marketo.  While the objective of eliminating the creation of anonymous leads was to increase performance, the workarounds required have seemed to counteract those objectives for some.

Here's one example of a common smart campaign that's part of our website content programs (tracks content engagement on our website and progresses leads into the appropriate program status within this channel).  Prior to the anonymous leads changes, we only needed the "Visits Web Page" trigger.  Now, we also need to include a "Lead is Created" trigger and a "Visited Web Page" filter.  So if we have 100 of these programs/smart campaigns in our instance (and that's for just these types of programs), you can imagine the additional overhead that's now required each time a new lead is created in Marketo (even if they don't qualify for these campaigns).



Here's more information on this: Anonymous Lead Promotion to Known Lead – Munchkin V2 Behavior

Level 10 - Champion Alumni

Re: Campaign Queue Backlog

Mike Reynolds​ is Munchkin v2 now fully rolled out to all customers?

Level 10 - Champion Alumni

Re: Campaign Queue Backlog

Mike Reynolds​, can you confirm if this is now deployed to all customers?  We're finding that those smart campaigns that include the dual triggers (so that both existing and new leads can qualify) are not triggering properly.  And we're trying to identify the culprit - which could also be related to this existing issue: For those of you on Corona (part of Project Orion), are you experiencing issues explained here?

Level 10

Re: Campaign Queue Backlog

Hey Dan. Sorry, been at a conference. Munchkin v2 is part of orion, which is still in progress being rolled out. First there's the orion server infrastructure, then it's trigger processing, then munchkin v2. It's a rolling staggered roll out, so there isn't a way to say clearly that you have it, because it's all rolling out in phases

Level 10 - Champion Alumni

Re: Campaign Queue Backlog

Thanks Mike.

Not applicable

Re: Campaign Queue Backlog

Hey Dan Stevens​, Do the filters apply for both triggers and filters? I thought that if you have two triggers in a campaign, then it automatically does either/or (either lead created or visited web page)

Level 10

Re: Campaign Queue Backlog

Allison Sparrow

Triggers do work independently from one another (either/or). Whichever one is triggered, the filter would still have to apply as well before the campaign can advance into the flow.