Re: Bug in new Email Programs?

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Bug in new Email Programs?

We have created a couple of emails using the new Email Program and every time the smart list will show X number of members but when the email actually sends, about 1/2 of that actually get sent. Has anyone else experienced this or know of a bug that is causing this to happen? 
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Re: Bug in new Email Programs?

Hi Ashley,
are you sure there are not leads who are blocked vom sending?


Best regards

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Re: Bug in new Email Programs?

Yup, 100% sure.
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Re: Bug in new Email Programs?

We just had an email where it should have sent to 16,000 people and it only went out to 8000 of that.
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Re: Bug in new Email Programs?

What does the schedule look like in the smart campaign? Have you sent this email before? If so, can the lead run through the flow every time or only once? 
Level 9

Re: Bug in new Email Programs?

The new(er) email program is pretty buggy. It can be very annoying to get the control panel to read the correct numbers--I've experienced the same issue where I set my smart list and the total should be 8, and the control panel shows 6,000+

Your best bet is to set your smart list settings and exit the program entirely. And refresh your browser. Then navigate back to the control panel and it should refresh on its own and come up with the correct number. Maybe. It's a very buggy process.

What I would recommend is that you build your target list with a smart list or smart campaign beforehand and only use that as your criteria within the email program. Not only will this save you the hassle of the control panel, but it will also speed up your sends. If you use complex smart list logic within an email program, it will severely slow down your send (I've had an email take an hour after it was scheduled to send to complete because of complex list logic).
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Re: Bug in new Email Programs?

Hi Matt, is this a recurring issue for you? I'd really recommend contacting support and showing them the issue so we can fix it. There certainly have been prior bugs in Email Program, but in using it myself recently I haven't seen what you're describing.
Level 10

Re: Bug in new Email Programs?

Ashley, I recommend you open a support ticket so they can look at the specifics. Without the specifics, it's hard to know exactly what's wrong. 
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Re: Bug in new Email Programs?

Hey Ashley,

Have you tried looking at a few specific leads you think should have gotten the email but didn't? If you can't find a reason why not, please do reach out to us so we can look into it. I expect there is some reason in the campaign, but it'll really depend on the specifics.
Level 10

Re: Bug in new Email Programs?

Does this perhaps have something to do with the communication limit, which is why some are not receiving the emails?  This happened to me.