Blind Submit for Known Contacts?

Level 1

Blind Submit for Known Contacts?


Wondering if this type of workflow is possible. I have a good number of form and landing page builds coming my way over the next few months. (Mostly gated whitepapers) One of the things I would like to try is to have a blind submit form for known contacts, and unknown contacts will be sent to a landing page with a form.

The workflow would be something like this:


Yes path: Someone gets an email > clicks on the asset URL > If a known contact, blind submit form, get automatically directed to the asset

No path: Someone gets an email > clicks on the asset URL > If NOT a known contact, get sent to the landing page with the form

Let me know if anyone has accomplished something similar, and best way to approach.

Thank you!

Level 10 - Community Moderator

Re: Blind Submit for Known Contacts?

Remember to search first.

Auto-submitting a form for Known Visitors

Level 1

Re: Blind Submit for Known Contacts?

Thank you Sanford!