I'm currently experiencing an issue in which we have an internal alert sent to me containing:
All the fields above are pulling values using tokens when a lead fills out a form from our web site. Reason for inquiry is a custom field but the token {{lead.Reason for Inquiry:default=edit me}} I'm using is returning a blank value. Thanks in advance!
The Reason for Inquiry field on the lead which triggered the alert is likely black. "edit me" is treated as an empty value in the default values of tokens, since it is the default default text.
Hi Kenny,
Do you mean the value is likely blank? I just tested and submitted on the reg page with my own lead and received the alert with Reason for Inquiry as a blank /missing value.
What's interesting as well is sfdc record and marketo record both show the values I entered for Reason for Inquiry.
You might want to open a support ticket with the example lead and a copy of the alert email you received so they can take a direct look at this. It's difficult to say in the abstract without being able to look at the records themselves.
Where is this value coming from? Is it stamped on the form? A campaign?
I suspect that your alert is going out before the value is in the field. Add a wait step somewhere to slow down the alert.
Hi Josh,
The value is being pulled from a form. I currently have a 15 minute wait before the internal alert is sent, and I have also contact support.
Hey Josh, Hey Kenny,
Turns out that there are 2 tokens for Reason for Inquiry: one for the default/lead field while the other one is for a SFDC custom field. After swapping out the default token for the SFDC custom field token. It now works - thank you for help!