Hey guys,
We use Marketo to send out emails to our target audience. I am wondering what are some of the best ways to track the outbound clicks in the email. For example, there are multiple hyperlinks/CTAs within one email that drive people to our company landing page. I would love to know how many of those email audience actually converted (fill up a form, download material, etc) when they got to the landing page.
I have read multiple articles online, some say they tag the email with UTM parameters, some say they use Munchkin code to track that. Can I have some suggestion here on what you all are doing?
You should always source-tag your links — i.e. add campaign source information to the query string — no matter what else you do. On the Marketo form, add Hidden fields set to AutoFill from those query params.
Most people use the well-known utm_* query parameters for interoperability with other analytics tools (e.g. GA and others that expect GA-type tags). But you can actually use any query parameter names, values, and semantics, as long as you know what they mean and how to map them to Hidden lead fields.
If you use Marketo-hosted LPs and dedicate an LP to every campaign, there's a temptation to eschew source tags. Marketo can attribute conversions to a campaign even without the tags (because there's a one-to-one correspondence between the Mkto campaign and the Mkto LP). But you can't lean on that feature as you're driving people to a non-Marketo page.