Best Practices for Recording A/B Test Results

Level 10

Best Practices for Recording A/B Test Results

Does anyone have any best practices on how they record their A/B testing results from campaigns? Currently I'm just using a spreadsheet because once you declare a champion with Marketo's champion/challenger functionality the results dashboard disappears, but I was wondering if anyone had any better methods?

And due to unresolved issues I won't use Marketo's email send programs for testing, so that isn't a solution for me. 
Level 9

Re: Best Practices for Recording A/B Test Results

I use a spreadsheet also. I just developed a simple template for recording results and then broke out my test categories (e.g. time of send, day of week, subject line, etc) into different tabs and organized it that way. It would be nice if there was an in-system solution, but as far as I know that doesn't exist.
Not applicable

Re: Best Practices for Recording A/B Test Results

I use a spreadsheet as well. We try to make sure we can apply a learning to every test and include these on the spreadsheet. For example, "long subject lines are better than short", " red head graphics win over blues ones," etc.