best practice to build webinar campaign with multiple locations/time

Level 4

best practice to build webinar campaign with multiple locations/time

We're going to host webinar in 2 different locations / time zones and we have Webex integrates with Marketo. 

Question --

It seems that the campaign only allows to tie to 1 webex.  Is it better to create two campaigns and re-direct registrations to the campaign based on their selection?  Or is there any way to manage this?


Level 10

Re: best practice to build webinar campaign with multiple locations/time

Marketo supports creating separate events in WebEx for the different times and syncing each with a separate event in Marketo. The Marketo sync will likely run into trouble if you try to give a WebEx event multiple times/dates.

Level 10 - Champion Alumni

Re: best practice to build webinar campaign with multiple locations/time

yes, you must have separate webex webinars. Please do a search for multiple webinars; lots of possibilities.