Re: Best Lead Database Clean-up Practices

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Best Lead Database Clean-up Practices

Hi Everyone, 

I wanted to clean up my lead database in Marketo and I was wondering what best practices do you guys use?  Other than removing hard bounces, invalid emails, etc. what other criteria should I consider?

Thanks for your help 🙂

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Level 10

Re: Best Lead Database Clean-up Practices

@JoshHill wrote this awesome article on cleaning up your database!
Level 4

Re: Best Lead Database Clean-up Practices

In addition to the great suggestions in Josh's article, we also have a couple of Smart Lists that search for junk data entry in certain fields, like First Name, Last Name, Email Address, Company.

For example:  If the First or Last Name contains "test", "demo", "asdf", "abcd", etc. ... we consider those as junk leads and purge them each month.  Same criteria can apply for Email address or Company Name too.