Our sales team is always complaining...
🙂 Seriously though, Best Bets is not always the best place for them to sift through information. You can supplement BB with reports and list views in SFDC that have more flexibility.
What sort of activity are they trying to sort by? Is that activity synced into Saleforce? Here is a great idea for you to like and comment on:
https://community.marketo.com/MarketoIdeaDetail?id=08750000000IACcAAOOn the idea,
Ei-Mang gives some direction that should help you:
"Here are two workarounds:
(1) As your sales team already probably knows, the Lead Feed along the right side of has the last 10 interesting moments of leads/contacts, sorted in reverse chronological order.
(2) A workaround that will give your sales team more info is to create 2 custom views -- one for Contacts and one for Leads
In Salesforce, go to the "Leads" tab
Click "Create New View"
In Step 1, enter in a name such as "Leads sorted by last Interesting Moment"
In Step 2, under "Filter by Additional Fields", set Field to "Priority", Operator to "greater than" and Value to "0" (zero)
In Step 3, select "Last Interesting Moment" and "Last Interesting Moment Date" from the "Available Fields" column and press the "Add" button (so they appear in the "Selected Fields" column)
Hit "Save"
Using this view, click on the "Last Interesting Moment Date" to sort the list in reverse chronological order. You can repeat this process on the "Contacts" tab to create a similar view for contacts."
Hope this helps!