Background Images Disabled within Email Forward

Not applicable

Background Images Disabled within Email Forward

Hi everyone,

Within the last week we have had 2 major clients tell us that when they forward an email created in Marketo, the background image is no longer visible. For one client, this was specifically tested when the template was built but we had no issues. Has anyone else experienced this and figured out how to counteract the issue?


Level 10 - Community Moderator

Re: Background Images Disabled within Email Forward

Please move the thread to Products and someone will answer it there. "Community" is for website feedback, not product support -- and yes, this is confusing!  See here for more info.

Level 10

Re: Background Images Disabled within Email Forward

Hi Jaime,

Some email client will remove what they see as "unnecessary code" when the email is forwarded, and amongst this there might be some of the code that the next addressee would have needed to display the bg image.

This is why is is so important that you also set background colors in addition to images, so that at least the colors is still there and provide contrast to the text on top of the image.


Level 10 - Community Moderator

Re: Background Images Disabled within Email Forward

Yeah, specially since the forwarded email has to have its own <body>.

Still should be in Products though.