Automate Report of Email Opens

Level 5

Automate Report of Email Opens

Our sales team would like to receive a report that contains lead attributes for anyone who opened a specific email in a program. Is there a way to automate a report to be sent to them 24 hours after the specific email was sent?

Currently I export a smart list of emails opened on the day after the email was sent and manually send it to sales. I would like to get this automated as we start doing more programs.

If this doesn't work, I am also looking into whether there is a report of interesting moments that sales can pull in SFDC and filter down for the specific email to see who opened, clicked, registered, etc. Has anybody tried doing something similar?
Level 4

Re: Automate Report of Email Opens

This might not be the easiest way, but it think it will work pretty well for what you are trying to achieve.

In your Marketo Admin area, in the Salesforce integration, "Sync Options", make sure you check "Email opened". What this does is create a Task on the SFDC lead record when they open a Marketo email.

Then in your Salesforce Reports, create an Activity Report, customize the date range and lead owners etc. to your liking, and add a Filter for Subject contains 'opened email'. This will return a SFDC report of any leads who have opened a Marketo email within your specified date range.

You can set this SFDC report to run on a regular schedule and be sent to the sales reps' inboxes if you want.

In short, this enables SFDC to search on Marketo email opens, with the ability to automate the report. If any of the above doesn't make sense, please let me know and I'll try to clarify or post screenshots.
Level 5

Re: Automate Report of Email Opens

Thanks Bruce! Really appreciate the detailed response!

I will look into building this report. Just concerned about getting additional tasks created for the lead owners because they are not the ones who would be initially following up on each lead after the Marketo email gets sent. We have a separate sales team for this initial follow up who would use the report of email opens to try contacting everybody on the list. It would be good if they can pull the Salesforce activity report themselves after I set it up. Do you know if this would be possible?
Level 4

Re: Automate Report of Email Opens

About the Tasks:  this process actually makes the task assigned to the Marketo Sync User -- and it also automatically completes the task too. So no worries about your sales reps getting extra tasks on their plate.

As long as you save that Salesforce Report in a Public Folder (don't save it in your Personal Reports folder), then anyone else should be able to access it. Or you can have SFDC schedule it to be sent directly to their email inbox as well.

Not applicable

Re: Automate Report of Email Opens

Great suggestion Bruce.
In past, I had the same issue and for various reasons, we could not go SFDC task or interesting moments approach.
I ended up creating a custom php webservice and JSON webhook and some smart campaigns in Marketo to automatically appending records in an Google spreadsheet for each event we wanted to track(in your case open).
That way, out inside sales team got 'up to the minute' infromation at one place rather than going through various files via email etc.

Please feel free to reach out if you need more information Nina.

Hope this helps
