Re: Audit Trail: Unable to view "change details"

Level 10 - Champion Alumni

Audit Trail: Unable to view "change details"

We're trying to track down specific details around the changes that were made in our smart campaigns - specifically within the flow steps.  While we can see that activity occurred, the details aren't available.  It just says "Coming Soon. Learn More".  And then when clicking on the "Learn More" link, we're not directed to any further information around what's "coming soon".  It's just a link to the Products documentation home page: Welcome to Marketo Docs - Marketo Docs - Product Docs


Christina Fuentealba

Level 10

Re: Audit Trail: Unable to view "change details"

Dan, I think this is the doc you are looking for: Change Details in Audit Trail - Marketo Docs - Product Docs, though I don't think it gives you much more detail.