Assign email to tracking cookie before lead is created in Marketo??

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Assign email to tracking cookie before lead is created in Marketo??

Basically, I have the munchkin code on my site.  When a form is filled out, it send that data off to SalesForce.  Then it trickles down to Marketo.  Can I assign the anon tracking cooking an email on form submission, and when it finally trickles down into Marketo (takes about 5 minutes) would it make the connection?

Level 9

Re: Assign email to tracking cookie before lead is created in Marketo??

Unfortunately, it won't.  When a record syncs down from SFDC, it does not dedupe. 

Based on your request, why not send the data off to Marketo instead of SFDC upon form submission and then sync the lead to SFDC from Marketo.

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Re: Assign email to tracking cookie before lead is created in Marketo??

Hey Jim,

     Thanks for the response.  That is how we were originally doing it.  And based on some research and responses to my question it looks like data just needs to flow to Marketo first and trickle down into SalesForce.

Level 10

Re: Assign email to tracking cookie before lead is created in Marketo??

Hi Andrew Fox​,

And based on some research and responses to my question it looks like data just needs to flow to Marketo first and trickle down into SalesForce.

This is not a fatality.

Read my previous answer.


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Re: Assign email to tracking cookie before lead is created in Marketo??

Hey Gregoire,


     Yeah I was looking into your answer as well.  Which is how I will prob need to do a couple of our forms.  It's just I found it easier to add leads to Marketo then SalesForce.  With that said who ever set up SF instance did a horrible job and we are having to go back and start a fresh instance and simplify it, and remove a lot of the flows and process builders.

Level 10

Re: Assign email to tracking cookie before lead is created in Marketo??

Hi Andrew,

Adding leads to Marketo then SFDC is the best way to go if your forms are simple web-to-lead and do not have too much business logic attached to them, indeed. The cookie/webhook way is one of the ways to choose if your form technology cannot be replaced by a Marketo form, for instance because it's a portal login form with password control. There are others, such as background forms.


Level 10

Re: Assign email to tracking cookie before lead is created in Marketo??

Hi Andrew,

If you are still using the good'ol web-to-lead forms from SFDC, you should rapidly get rid of them, they are a true catastrophe. 1999 technology that has never been updated and is completely obsolete (starting with its incapacity to deduplicate)...

Otherwise, if you are using a more modern technique, you can read the mkt_trk token and pass it to salesforce in a dedicated field, then from there, push it in Marketo. Once the data is in Marketo, you will need to fire a webhook that will call the save2 endpoint. See for instance here:

But, as pointed out by Jim, better if you can replace the forms by Marketo forms and push the leads from Marketo to SFDC, rather than the opposite. Your current duplicate still increases the risk of duplicate creation.
