Any interest for an Extension pack for Form 2.0?

Level 4

Any interest for an Extension pack for Form 2.0?

Working on different form customization projects, our developper came up with the idea to build a user-friendly module to control additional properties of you Marketo forms, using a simple UI and without the need of a developper to reinvent the weel each time. Would that be of interrest for anyone?

Example of functions that it could include: 
- force flush munchkin tracking
- backtracking (store previous munchkin id, useful in custom reports for dupe discovery)
- utm tracking from url (could be extended to custom parameter tracking)
- success HTML messages for embedded forms (instead of Landing Page or form reload)
- custom validation rules
- set form values to read-only
- etc. 

The list could still stretch but we'd like to hear your thoughts on this...
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Re: Any interest for an Extension pack for Form 2.0?

I think a simple UI for custom validation rules especially would go a long way.
Level 10 - Champion Alumni

Re: Any interest for an Extension pack for Form 2.0?

David, I'd love to see something like this. Or even a set of code I can buy and drop into the page to change things. It would have to be super easy to modify things like color or text messages.