Marcus, if you bear with me, I'm not 100% sure I understand where you're trying to go, but I can see how a program I have could help you.
Here's the sorta report I get..

It's a pretty simple campaign. I have two custom fields, Z Click & Z Click Stream [a text area]. Then the click campaign is.. Trigger | Visits any webpage. Change Data Value - Z Click =
[{{trigger.client ip address}} {{trigger.trigger name}} {{trigger.web page}} from {{ engine}} {{ query}} {{trigger.referrer}}]-Then the Stream looks for Z Click to be updated and when it is, CDV Z Click Stream = {{lead.Z Click}} {{lead.Z Click Stream}}
Then once a week I stick the date at the front so I have a point of reference. I can see how often people are visiting the site, if there are long lag times, many weeks without a visit, etc. CDV Z Click Stream = ( {{}} ) {{lead.Z Click Stream}}
You can certainly always add {{lead.Z Click Stream}} to an alert to your sales staff. What it won't do is provide a "Last 7 Days", which is implied already in the data, but if you wanted to do it, just create another reoccuring Batch campaign to CDV Z Click Stream = NULL, once a week.
If I were really smart, I'd write the Click campaign in 2 steps, and figure out a "First Visit, sub visits" such that I don't put the reffer in each time. Because as someone's clicking through your website, they go from one page to another. So this current setup captures both each time, so it's a bit annoying to read the duplicates. But whatever, i got bigger fish to fry right now.