Re: Anonymous Visitor to Known record question to identify UTMs via Querystring

Level 2

Anonymous Visitor to Known record question to identify UTMs via Querystring



Marketo Campaign Setup and Analysis


Initial Setup

1. Imported a list into Marketo
2. Set up the Ad Network Integration Sync
3. Synced the target list from Marketo to Meta and LinkedIn
4. Created social ads that drove users to our website with UTM parameters


Observations and Learnings

Despite importing the list to Marketo and syncing it to social platforms, users who came to our site via the Munchkin script were all recorded in Marketo as anonymous users. This was contrary to our expectation that we would know their identities.



Identification Attempt

To identify the anonymous users, we sent a Marketo email to the same target list. Some click data was observed as a result.


Current Challenge

We need to find the best way to:
1. Identify known users
2. Review their historical web activity data (including UTM parameters)
3. Parse the UTM data into individual UTM fields in Marketo


Current Setup


First Smart Campaign
- Trigger: Clicks Link in Email
- Flow: Request Campaign


Requested Campaign
- Smart List Criteria:
1. Campaign is requested
2. Visited webpage is any (with querystring constraint)
- Flow: Change Data Value to parse values into specific UTM fields


Questions for Improvement

1. Does the logic of the first campaign and requested campaign make sense?
2. Is there a better way to accomplish this task?

Level 10 - Community Moderator

Re: Anonymous Visitor to Known record question to identify UTMs via Querystring

Difficult to appraise your suggestion because you’re talking about functionality that doesn’t exist in Marketo: you can’t “parse UTM data” using Change Data Value. Marketo doesn’t have a query string parser. The only way to break down a query string into its constituent keys + values is by calling a webhook-compatible service.

Level 2

Re: Anonymous Visitor to Known record question to identify UTMs via Querystring

This is my initial set up.


I have a smart campaign, where the smart list is a trigger - clicks link in email.

(We sent an email to the same target list we used to sync to Meta and LinkedIn for ad network integration because anyone who made it back to the site by clicking on the ads with UTMs was being recorded as an anonymous visitor.)

The flow of this smart campaign is "Request Campaign"


In the campaign is requested smart list is:

Trigger: campaign is requested AND

Visited web page is any with an added constraint of "Querystring" contains part of the URL parameters


Screenshot 2024-08-06 at 3.36.23 PM.png


IF the above matches, then I'm using the following:


Screenshot 2024-08-06 at 3.30.22 PM.png


I guess the question is, when an anonymous visitor becomes known, are we able to review past web activity history as "Visited web page" with "Querystring" constraint?

Level 2

Re: Anonymous Visitor to Known record question to identify UTMs via Querystring

Moving the screenshot to the previous thread for consistency.

Level 10 - Community Moderator

Re: Anonymous Visitor to Known record question to identify UTMs via Querystring

That's not parsing the query string. It's doing a string pattern match against known values. (And also assumes a specific query parameter order, which is not typically relevant for UTM parameters in the real world; you should assume the params come in any order.)


You can match against the query string value in a batch campaign after a session has been promoted from anonymous to known. You can't trigger on Visit Web Page for past (replayed) events.  

Level 2

Re: Anonymous Visitor to Known record question to identify UTMs via Querystring

And just to confirm, once an anonymous record becomes known by clicking on a link in a Marketo email, the anonymouse web activity history is merged and can be filtered against the known user?



Level 10 - Community Moderator

Re: Anonymous Visitor to Known record question to identify UTMs via Querystring

And just to confirm, once an anonymous record becomes known by clicking on a link in a Marketo email, the anonymouse web activity history is merged and can be filtered against the known user?
