Re: Anonymous Lead Data via API

Level 4

Anonymous Lead Data via API


I wanted to confirm with the group something about the Marketo Rest API.

I have need to pull the Anonymous leads who visited a page over a certain time period. I am able to get the Lead ID from the web page activity report. What I would like to do with that ID is pull additional data such as activity or even the Cookie ID.

I have been unsuccessful up to this point and wanted to validate this is due to the Rest API not being able to pull Anonymous lead data.

If someone could let me know it is possible or confirm my findings, I would be very happy.



Level 10 - Community Moderator

Re: Anonymous Lead Data via API

You're correct.  Marketo isn't the place to report on anonymous sessions while they're still anonymous. It's for web sessions that are associated with named leads (even if some activity took place while the lead was unknown).

Level 3

Re: Anonymous Lead Data via API

Hi Sanford Whiteman‌ but is there a way using Postman or something to see what pages your anonymous traffic have been visiting?

I've ran into an issue on our site where we aren't watching anonymous .PDF visits so we cant see (in Google Analytics) which assets have performed the best.


Level 10 - Community Moderator

Re: Anonymous Lead Data via API

PDF views aren't tracked by Munchkin *at all*, though: see 

Level 3

Re: Anonymous Lead Data via API

Sanford Whiteman‌ the link is really interesting, though is it more for email to pdf type tracking?

Or are you saying a redirect on click even if its organic traffic through the site?

And I am now thoroughly confused, because when I click on the anonymous data for a company I see .pdf's in the details.

Level 10 - Community Moderator

Re: Anonymous Lead Data via API

For clicks, yes, not pageviews.