All Entries from Lead DB is not picked up while executing Smart Campaign

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All Entries from Lead DB is not picked up while executing Smart Campaign

  1. In the Lead, I have 3 Entries, with all of them having the Mobile Number Set.
  2. In my Web Hook, in the field “URL”, I am picking up the Mobile Numbers with the following URL http://<URL>?username=<UserName>&password=<PassWd>&source=<Source>&destination={{lead.Mobile Phone N...
  3. Now, when I call this WebHook from campaign with the following details, only one entry (and hence only one mobile number) from the Lead Database is executed.
I need all the entries from the lead to be executed when the campaign is run. Can you please let me know, what is the issue ? Is it because that, I am using the sandbox or picking ALL details from the Lead Database from the URL is not supported. 
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