After embedding a form created from design studio

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After embedding a form created from design studio

Does anyone know where the infomation go after they register? Unlike creating a landing page, the information isn't saved into the campaign.
Does anyone know of a solution to this? 
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Level 10

Re: After embedding a form created from design studio

Hi Nevin, if you use the trigger "Fills out form" or the filter "Filled out Form" to add someone to a campaign, then you can have all of a record's information in that program. You can then use this for follow up messaging or to trigger additional nurture campaigns in the future, amongst other things. 

Otherwise, they're just hanging out in your lead database. 
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Re: After embedding a form created from design studio

Sorry if I was unclear, if the page is made from our cms and I embed the form onto it, where would the information go?
Level 10

Re: After embedding a form created from design studio

Hi Nevin, the form fillout should create a new record, or update an existing record in your Marketo lead database depending on whether or not the email address used in the fillout already exists in your database. You can create a smart campaign using my first response filter or trigger, and when people are added to the smart campaign, they will also be added to the program. 
Level 8

Re: After embedding a form created from design studio

You can also use the "visited webpage" trigger if there's a follow up page or if you're trying to send them information for even looking at the form. Also, you can add the "add to list" feature if you're looking to track the specific number of people who have filled out or visited that page. It can be easier to access rather than looking at the number of people in the smart camapaign and allows you to manipulate the data a bit further and send them additional information quickly.

I'd recommend having a tigger campaign for every relevant form and lead-generating page you have. Adding them to lists or engagement programs using smart campaigns based on their activity is a great way to deploy engagement marketing!
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Re: After embedding a form created from design studio

Hi Dory,

I'd like to know if it's possible to extract the information that someone enters into the form I made if I embed it into another page that was not created in marketo (I create it myself using html).  If it is, where do I find that information?  If it isn't possible, is there a way to somehow link marketo with my pages?  Thanks.