Additional recording inquiry form fill per product

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Additional recording inquiry form fill per product


I want you let me know your best practice for the following case:

I have an existing website with 600 pages per product and each has a Marketo form to let users fill out their profile. Here I want records that show which leads filled out per product IN THE WHOLE HISTORY.

In order to achieve the above conditions, I created as follows:

I set up  URL parameter (Query String) on each page such as https// ----? product=****** and put a hidden field for the URL parameter and created a custom field for this. And now it is working well but I still have a problem to solve, which is the value of a product name in this field is overwritten every time a lead fill out and send the form. This is not good since I need to know all of the history which lead filled out the form for which product. That is to say, the record must be additional. 

I come up with some solutions as follows:
 1) Simply to create 600 new custom fields for putting in a flag per product, which means URL parameter is not necessary any more and I have to create 600 different Marketo forms. I think this idea is awfully bad, though.

 2) To create a master field as a custom field in addition to the field set for URL parameter. Here my question is "Is it possible to add URL parameter to the master field each time a parameter is changed? " 

 3) To make use of smart list and smart campaign. Similar to (2), create a smart campaign in order to make a smart list each time a URL parameter is changed. 

Any advice would be welcome!

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Re: Additional recording inquiry form fill per product

Hi Hiroshi,

I have not implemented such scenario yet but this is what you can try.

1. Create a custom field to capture the product name (single standard field for all forms) and a master field for product name
2. On the thankyou page fetch the value of master field and standard field (Not using form page because user might use a new browser to fill out form and his information might not get pre populated)
3. Try to update master field with (master field+","+ standard field) OR create temp field for this calculation
4. If you are using temp field for this calculation then you need to update master field via smart campaign change data value.

I hope it works.

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Re: Additional recording inquiry form fill per product


Thanks for your help!!!!
