Re: Adding style to calendar file token link

Level 2

Adding style to calendar file token link

Hi all,

I've followed the instructions on page Include a Calendar Event ICS File in a Landing Page - Marketo Docs - Product Documentation to successfully add a link to a calendar file onto one of my landing pages.

Doing so adds a text link to the file. I'd like to add a style class to the <a> tag that this creates. How is that possible?

Thanks in advance

Level 4

Re: Adding style to calendar file token link

Hi Jason,

What style are you trying to add? Can you send the code for this section? Have you used the WYSIWIG to add style?

You can try using a <span style="font-size:20px"> or <p style>

So it looks like this

<div><span style="color: #ff0000; font-size: 16px; font-family: 'arial black', 'avant garde';">{my.SAVETHEDATE:default=edit me}}</span></div>

Ariel Sasso