My company has enabled reCAPTCHAv3 on our three main domains (.com,, and and everything has been working seamlessly, however when I tried to enable it for our international domains I get the "Submission failed. Please try again later." I'm curious whether reCAPTCHAv3 is able to work on international websites with domains like .fr, .it, nl. Can anyone share any insight or clarity with this?
I suppose you'd need to add those domains to your google reCAPTCHA admin account. Your reCAPTCHA registration is restricted to the domains you enter on the reCAPTCHA admin, plus any other subdomains. In other words, a registration for domain also registers but domains with separate TLDs (.com, .fr,, etc.) would need to be added as separate domains in the list of domains that reCAPTCHA would work on.
Thank you for the quick reply! I did add the new domains to the admin portal and enabled reCAPTCHA on the test form I created. The error text as well as the standard, "This site is protected by reCAPTCHA and the Google Privacy Policy and Terms of Service apply." text also does not automatically translate to the domain language.
This is why I'm curious as to whether reCAPTCHA works with international domains, specifically those in different languages.
Could you check if you're having multiple form-embeds on the page with the loadForm method loading from different domains? Check out the below blog post by Sandy that talks in detail about this error. Also, it'd be helpful if you could share the link to the page where you're seeing this error. Thanks!
I built a new page and form from scratch to test and am still getting the same error. Here are screenshots of the URL and the message I receive when I try to submit.