Re: adding lead into nurture stream at email 2

Level 2

adding lead into nurture stream at email 2


I'm creating a nurture stream for people who fill out a form. The first email of the stream is a general thank you email (followed by more specific product emails).

I would like to add people to the stream who have filled out the form in the past and have already received the generic thank you email - starting them at email 2.

Is there a way of feeding people into a stream at an email other than the first?

Thank you very much,


Level 10 - Champion Alumni

Re: adding lead into nurture stream at email 2

Leads can be added to an engagement program whenever you want. You just need to include the "add to EP" flow step of the smart campaign of the specific program.

Level 9 - Community Advisor + Adobe Champion

Re: adding lead into nurture stream at email 2

Hi Angelika Libera​,

You could reduce the emails in the stream by removing the TY Email. For the new leads, you could create a smart campaign to first send the TY Email and later add them to EP Stream (with the first email being specific product email). For the leads who have been already sent the TY email, filter the historical leads in smart list, and add a flow step to Add to EP of a new smart campaign. As Dan mentions, you can add leads to EP in any Smart Campaign Flow.

Alternately, clone the stream, remove the first email, and add the leads who have been sent the TY Email to the cloned stream, instead of the one where TY Email is present. We can't feed leads to a stream to send an email other than the first - however, we can use a cloned stream which doesn't consists of the TY Email as first email.

Looking for more ideas!