Re: adding information icon on landing page form

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adding information icon on landing page form

Has anoyone tried putting an information/question mark icon on forms so that when someone hoovers over the icon, then additional information would pop up?
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Re: adding information icon on landing page form

This is possible, but I'm not quite sure how to do this. Check out my Forms guide to look for discussions on this topic.
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Re: adding information icon on landing page form

The JavaScripot/jQuery's onMouseOver event could be one possibility. 
It creates an event when the mouse is passed over active text or image.

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Re: adding information icon on landing page form

Thanks for the quick responses. Will continue to dig through the community and google for this information.
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Re: adding information icon on landing page form

Already the "Instructions" on the form will popup when you hover over the form field. You'd have to get involved in some scripting to add a [data icon] to a label and then associate the proper onHover event. Note this won't be helpful to mobile users.