Re: Added Photos to a Landing Page that has a template

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Added Photos to a Landing Page that has a template

Hi,   We have a landing page that is has a template with photos and text boxes. When we attempt to swap the photos with new ones the entire Marketo window is graying out and the swap is not occuring. Has anyone experienced this? What was your resolution to the issue?

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Re: Added Photos to a Landing Page that has a template

Are you trying to swap the photo in the template editor, or from an individual email using that template.  

I don't think you can change a templated element from on a landing page using that element.  You have to change (or clone) the template itself to swap the photo.

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Re: Added Photos to a Landing Page that has a template

Hi Kristen,
yes we've had the same thing happen. It's been escalated already.  I think it has to do with the new "upgrade" Marketo rolled out last weekend and they are currently working on the fix but won't likely have one until next week. They have suggested instead of swapping the image, I delete it, then add a new one. I have not tried it yet though. I will try that later today, and keep my fingers crossed...