Add map and directions to email

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Add map and directions to email

We're hosting a big event in the fall and i'm working on putting together a registration form on a landing page with confirmation autoresponder.  Is there a way to add a map and directions to the event within the autoresponder email?  I'm not finding this ability anywhere.
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Re: Add map and directions to email

We just add a link to the location in Google Maps.
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Re: Add map and directions to email

You can also embed a Google Map on your landing page. When using Google Maps there is a link icon, if you click on that you get a link and there is also "Past HTML to  embed in website", if you copy that and then paste into your landing page (Using HTML mode) the map will then display on your landing page. You may need to adjust the size of your landing page or the size of the iframe for the embed to fit on your page.
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Re: Add map and directions to email

Good call Tim. I was able to add target="_blank" to the "View Larger Map" part of the embed code so it doesn't take someone away from the landing page, but do you have any insight into how I could have the "Directions" link open in a new window when clicked on?