Re: Activity Log Summaries for CRM Sync

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Activity Log Summaries for CRM Sync

We're in the process of connecting our non-SalesForce CRM to Marketo to automate the addition of digital behavior to our other sales intelligence!

I'm looking to add areas in CRM for "Top Products Viewed" and "Top Non-Product Web Pages Viewed" for a rolling 3-month period to each lead record, capped at 10 of each. Ideally, we'd want to show something like this:

Product - page views in last 3 mo.
Product - page views in last 3 mo.

White paper 1 - page views in last 3 mo.
Literature piece 3 - page views in last 3 mo.

ranked by the highest # of page views. In order to pass this information to our CRM using the API, I believe we'd need to format, store and RT-update the information in Marketo. Each of our product web pages has a unique ID so we're able to group product pages together. We have >150 products with 3 different types of IDs.

Has anyone done this or something similar? What is the most efficient way to automate this information using the activity log and translate it into the ranked, sales-friendly format above?
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Re: Activity Log Summaries for CRM Sync

Wow Jenny, don't ask for anythign easy. 🙂  Great expansive use of the product, let me try to help a little.

For getting the data into the system you'll want to start capturing that triggered. So Visits Web Page contains (list of product IDs group 1).... then in the flow step you'll probably want to change the ID number into a phrase, like [if] Visits webpage contains [35146], then (CDV) Product 1 = [Amazingproduct] {{lead.Product 1}}

As long as you add the token for the field you're working on you'll add the data together rather than overwriting it.

So you can do that for each of your 3 product areas + related assets as well.

Ranked by highest # of page views is hard. I can't think of a good way to get that incorporated. Nor can i help with 3 months and a limit of 10. I bet there's a sophisticated way to use static lists & the trigger filter "Minimum # of times"... I would probably instead just chose a shorter string field (rather than text area in Field Management) and let the older data fall off as new data comes in.

Best of luck on your journey to better sales enablement!! I'd rather just have Marketo Sales Insight do this for me. 🙂 But unfortunately you have to have a native sync in order to have that integration.